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About Our Client

It was a cold, autumn day in September 2010 when a young Lewis Richardson stumbled across Madonna. ​

Inspired by her playfulness and emboldened by her passion, he decided to create InfiniTEA.


10 years later, InfiniTEA has over 200 store locations all around the UK.


Their slogan: Have your drink how you like it- "any time, any place". 

Client: About Us

What They Are Doing Right



Because they care.

At InfiniTEA, they follow a strict set of rules to ensure that everything used is sourced in a responsible and sustainable way. High-quality is more than great taste.



Because who wants to drink pesticide?


InfiniTEA is proud to produce a wide-variety of coffees, teas, and smoothies without the aid of artificial chemical substances.



Because why stay in the box?

Legend has it that when the CEO Lewis met Madonna, it was not the famous singer: it was a rather fun-loving cat! Inspired by her whimsy, InfiniTEA adopted a playful decor and a witty menu that attracts customers near and far.

Client: Media & Press

Why They Needed Our Help


Chaotic Systems

Chaos. Confusion. Anarchy. 

Or so the managers described it! Every franchise recorded information separately. Every store had its own menu. The lack of cohesion was starting to hurt the InfiniTEA business model. 


Low Data Visibility

One really is the loneliest number.

Unfortunately, they were unable to access data from other stores across the UK. So they did not have an effective way to share the dos and the definitely don'ts. 


Misunderstood Customers

The pitfall of customer service. 

Although they had been collecting data separately, they were guilty of not actively using this data to make decisions. Their marketing strategies were ineffective and stakeholders were losing confidence.

Client: Media & Press

©2020 by Infinityque

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